Vote Fiona Ryan in Cork North By-Election

Text of leaflet for Socialist Party member and Solidarity Councillor Fiona Ryan’s By-Election campaign.

Use your vote to strike back 

Years of misrule by Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are bringing us down:

10,400 officially homeless

Record high rents at €1,372 per month in Cork City 

Unaffordable childcare – €845 per month in Cork City 

A cost of living crisis, with workers struggling to make ends meet  

Politics – business as usual

Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are part of this rigged capitalist system where developers, vulture funds, landlords and big business get rich at our expense.

Many different parties have been in power but nothing changes because they all work within the system. Sinn Féin, the Greens and the Social Democrats will disappoint, just like Labour did.

“The day has passed for patching up the capitalist system; it must go.” – James Connolly

The key wealth and resources need to be democratically owned by the majority and used in a planned way for people’s needs and for the planet. Real change only comes by a revolt from below. Working people and the young – we are the many, they are the few – united we can win.

Who defeated the vulture fund at Leeside Apartments?

Fiona Ryan, alongside tenants, led the campaign that stopped evictions at the Leeside Apartments and, in addition, won homes for 59 families from the housing waiting lists. This shows that socialists make things happen.

“Fiona Ryan is an outstanding socialist councillor and a fighter – on housing, workers’ rights and women’s rights. I would say to all who support the campaigns I have organised over the years, use your vote in the by-election to make a difference. Please give Fiona your number 1 vote on November 29th.” – Mick Barry TD

Vote 1 Cllr Fiona Ryan – Cork North Central By-Election

Vote for proper mental health services for Cork

Mental health services are disgracefully underfunded. Evictions into homelessness, soaring rents, low pay, discrimination and inequality are all aggravating the mental health crisis.

Use this by-election to demand immediate action. Fiona Ryan demands:


  • Quality mental health programmes in all our schools. 
  • Massive increase in spending on mental health services.  
  • 24/7, properly resourced and staffed crisis centres in communities.

Resist plans for fracked gas in Cork harbour

The fracking of gas is contributing to the destruction of our planet but the Port of Cork has recently confirmed it has plans to bring fracked gas in through Cork harbour within four years. Mobilise to oppose the processing of liquified natural gas in Cork harbour – join the climate strikes on 29th November.

100 companies created 70% of CO2 emissions. As their profits will always come before our planet, the green movement must become an anti-capitalist movement.

Fiona Ryan stands for: 

  • Massive public investment in free, reliable public transport, green jobs and renewable energy. 
  • A just transition to a zero-carbon economy, which is only possible if we fight for a socialist economy that is democratically organised by the working class and publicly owned.

  • Building a mass movement of workers, women and the young that is capable of overthrowing this system before the end of the next decade.

Vote 1 Fiona Ryan – a socialist fighter 

For workers, women and the planet

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