Socialist Party By Election Manifesto

Three years of austerity, four austerity budgets, and every year, every budget, the deficit and the crisis has gotten worse. The more they take out of the economy, the worse the crisis gets.

Three years of austerity, four austerity budgets, and every year, every budget, the deficit and the crisis has gotten worse. The more they take out of the economy, the worse the crisis gets.

The people of  Dublin West can use this election to say: Enough is  Enough – No more austerity cutbacks that are destroying the economy and jobs. Labour & Fine Gael have 113 TDs. A victory for them in this by-election would encourage worse austerity & arrogance. They promised change but betrayed that promise. Don’t trust them again!


Use this election to say:

  • YES to reversing all the cuts to Connolly Hospital.
  • YES to a write down of rip-off mortgages & repayments, to lift the strain of debt and keep people in their homes.
  • Elect Ruth Coppinger and help us launch a new party to really represent ordinary working class people.

To find out more about the alternative to austerity, check out the centre pages of our manifest below.


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Socialist Party TDs on Occupy Dame Street

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Dublin West By Election Final Message: Elect Ruth Coppinger

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