Socialist Party/United Left Aliance TDs condem Taoiseach and Minister of Health

For broken promises to people of Roscommon

For broken promises to people of Roscommon

Responding to the revelations that Taoiseach Enda Kenny despite his denials did in fact make a promise to the people of Roscommon that their accident and emergency service would be preserved, Clare Daly TD said:

Last Saturday truly represents the ending of the government’s honeymoon phase. Many who voted for Fine Gael gave them the benefit of the doublt that they would represent some kind of break from the low standards and dishonesty of Fianna Fáil. However we can boldly say now that Fine Gael lied their way into office and no lie has been more blatent than that of the Taoiseach to the people of Roscommon.

Joe Higgins TD said:

I salute the active response of the people of Roscommon to the closure of the A&E which has taken the form of effective protests that have forced it into the national debate. Such protests need to be sustained and linked up in a national movement. The leaderships of the health unions instead of participating in the Croke Park process which contributing to the crisis in the healthcare systems instead should be linking up with the local campaigns to fight the government’s cutback agenda.


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