Dublin South West: Mick Murphy

Mick Murphy is the Socialist Party/United Left Alliance candidate for Dublin South West in the general election. Mick has been active fighting for working people for more than 20 years. He was a leading figure in the successful Anti Water Charges Campaign.

Mick Murphy is the Socialist Party/United Left Alliance candidate for Dublin South West in the general election. Mick has been active fighting for working people for more than 20 years. He was a leading figure in the successful Anti Water Charges Campaign.


Mick was a key organiser in fighting the Bin Tax in 2003 and spent 3 weeks in Mountjoy Prison for his opposition to the double tax. Mick warned that, if implemented, the charge would increase and result in the privatisation of the service.

Along with Joe Higgins MEP, Mick played a key role in exposing the GAMA construction scandal where Turkish workers were paid €2 an hour on publicly funded projects. As a Councillor he stood alone in opposing the Tallaght Town Centre Development, warning that the inevitable crash of the property bubble would result in the dereliction in those apartment complexes. Mick is active in the Tallaght Hostpital Action Group.



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