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Mortgage Crisis: For write downs, not evictions

"It is an unpalatable fact, in light of the severity of the crisis, that repossessions must be expected to rise significantly." These were the chilling words uttered by the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Matthew Elderfield. He wasn’t speaking about luxury cars that some people may have bought and couldn’t keep up their repayments when their wages were cut or they lost their jobs. He was talking about people’s homes, the roof over their heads, the refuge where they and their families find respite when everything else – income, jobs, their children’s welfare – might be crashing around them due to the economic crisis.

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WikiLeaks: The case of Julian Assange

On the world stage, the case of Julian Assange is about U.S. imperialism’s need to punish WikiLeaks. There is no doubt that the Swedish state and the government would be happy to assist the US. However, the case is also about serious allegations of rape, which must be investigated.

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Letter to newspaper editors re Jack O’Connor comments

Dear Editor, SIPTU General President Jack O’Connor’s attack on the angry workers and pensioners who were demanding action, including strike action, to fight the ongoing assault on their livelihood and living standards during ICTU President Eugene McGlone’s speech at last Saturday’s pre budget protest and his attempt to claim political orchestration is a transparent ruse to shift attention away from the inaction of trade union leaders in response to the austerity agenda.

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Greece day 4: A New Democracy struggle and the struggle ahead

So after four days campaigning in Greece, the elections are over and I'm headed to Brussels, where a vital vote on ACTA will take place at the International Trade Committee. I watched the election results with some members of Xekinima, the Socialist Party's sister organisation in Greece, before going to the Synaspismos (the biggest organisation in Syriza) offices where big crowds were gathered.