Unite against division and racism

The killing of Toyosi Shitta-bey in Tyrellstown in West Dublin on Good Friday is a huge tragedy for his family, friends and the whole community and has outraged many throughout the country. That such a young life, with immense talent, could be so brutally ended has left many in shock. It is vital that working class people from all backgrounds unite and send out a very strong message that such senseless and violent attacks have no place in our community and will not be tolerated. The whole community must also ensure that the investigation into Toyosi’s death is vigorous and pursued to the very end.

The killing of Toyosi Shitta-bey in Tyrellstown in West Dublin on Good Friday is a huge tragedy for his family, friends and the whole community and has outraged many throughout the country. That such a young life, with immense talent, could be so brutally ended has left many in shock.

It is vital that working class people from all backgrounds unite and send out a very strong message that such senseless and violent attacks have no place in our community and will not be tolerated. The whole community must also ensure that the investigation into Toyosi’s death is vigorous and pursued to the very end.

Racism in this unequal society

The huge mobilisation at a vigil for Toyosi last Monday (5 April -Tyrelstown) of over 2,000, including black people, white people, people of many different backgrounds and of all ages, clearly shows that that the vast majority of people abhor violence and racism.

At the same time racism clearly exists in this country. Many regularly suffer verbal and sometimes physical abuse. The Teachers Union of Ireland has reported that there is an increase of racist incidents in schools. False divisions, based on the lie that there is a competition for scarce resources between ordinary people from different backgrounds have been pushed by elements in the media and by establishment politicians over many
years. But clearly recent events have shown that the main division in this country is between the bankers, builders and the rich, who have really abused the wealth of the country, and the rest of us who suffer from their misrule.

Ordinary people, from whatever background, have more that unites them than divides them. It is a disgrace that we face common problems of bad housing,
unemployment, low pay and cuts in public services while the banks will be bailed out to the tune of nearly €80 billion. There is more than enough wealth in this country to provide jobs, homes, school places and facilities for all.

Working class people need to overcome divisions and unite.

* No to racism. Jobs and public services for all.
* No to racism, everyone deserves a decent future.
* No to racism, everyone has the right to be safe on our streets.

The Socialist Party and our public representatives stand in complete solidarity with Toyosi’s family and friends. The Socialist Party and Socialist Youth have a long record of fighting against exploitation, discrimination and racism.

We believe people must respond to the horrific killing of Toyosi. Real change can only be achieved when people get active. We are working on the ground with communities to fight on the issues of concern. Part of that struggle is standing against racism and any divide and rule tactics that governments, politicians and bosses will try to impose. We encourage all who are opposed to exploitation and racism and who stand for unity and socialism to join with us.

We are fighting to build real unity amongst ordinary working class people from all backgrounds. We are fighting for socialist policies that puts the needs of people before the profits of the few. We believe the only
way to defeat racism and the conditions that create it, is through united struggle and socialist change.

This article is based on the text of the leaflet distributed by the Socialist Party at the March & Rallly held on Saturday April 10th to honour the memory of Toyosi Shitta-Bey.

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Communities must unite against racism

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Never again - Toyosi anti-racism march

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