QUB protest against US Consulate visit

By Kevin Henry, QUB Socialist Society 20 STUDENTS and workers joined a picket organised by the QUB Socialist Society and Socialist Youth against the visit of US consulate representatives to Queens.

By Kevin Henry, QUB Socialist Society

20 STUDENTS and workers joined a picket organised by the QUB Socialist Society and Socialist Youth against the visit of US consulate representatives to Queens.

The visit was organised by Queen’s University, Queen’s Students’ Union and the Politics Society. When confronted previously by members of the Socialist Society, the Union said the event was to welcome American students. However, the US envoy was appointed by the warmonger Bush. This visit was an insult to the people of Gaza and students in Belfast who were on the streets against the invasion.

During the short campaign leading up to the protest, which unfortunately was at the height of the exam period, members of the Socialist Society were harassed by the PSNI. Plain clothes cautioned a student and stopped a car of supporters leaving the demonstration for a “random” traffic stop. The Socialist Society has asked for an investigation as to why plain clothes police were operating in our students’ union.

The Socialist Society will continue to build a genuine opposition to capitalism and imperialism on campus and against Students Union leaders who welcome the mouthpieces of imperialism into our union.

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