FEE holds successful national meeting

By Liam Cullinane FREE EDUCATION For Everyone (FEE), a national campaign of students opposed to the re-introduction of third-level fees, held its first national meeting on Saturday, the 31 January. Socialist Youth members participated in the meeting, with students representing FEE campaigns in colleges such as UCC, Trinity, UCD, NUIG, UL and NUI Maynooth.

By Liam Cullinane

FREE EDUCATION For Everyone (FEE), a national campaign of students opposed to the re-introduction of third-level fees, held its first national meeting on Saturday, the 31 January.

Socialist Youth members participated in the meeting, with students representing FEE campaigns in colleges such as UCC, Trinity, UCD, NUIG, UL and NUI Maynooth.

The successful meeting was followed by a public meeting, which included a lively debate between Dave Curran, Deputy President of U.S.I and members of FEE on strategy for the anti-fees movement. FEE put forward the idea of a one-day shutdown of colleges in March as the next step in defeating fees. FEE will continue to campaign against the introduction of fees and the privatisation of education in the coming weeks and months.

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Organise to defeat fees: Shut down Third Level for a day

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