The last year has been one of unprecedented crisis – the coronavirus crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, social crisis and the continuing climate crisis – that has dramatically laid bare the systemic inequalities of capitalist society. Building organisations fighting for a socialist alternative to this system has been more urgent.
The Socialist Party tirelessly fights to agitate for struggle and advance the interests of women, young people, workers and the oppressed. In the last year we have:
– actively built solidarity and support with the courageous Debenhams workers and their fight for justice
– assisted school students to organise to ensure the cancellation of the Leaving Cert in 2020 and 2021
– initiated Youth Against Racism and Inequality (YARI), to organise young people to fight racism and the capitalist system that fuels it
– our members in ROSA- Socialist Feminist Movement, have been organising against gender based violence. In the aftermath of the murder of Sarah Everard, we organised protests in all the major cities in Ireland, North and South.
We don’t take a single cent from businesses and are instead funded by our members and supporters. A €5 raffle ticket provides vital support for us and a chance for a cash prize for you!
Thank you for financially supporting the work of the Socialist Party!
If you would like to provide ongoing support and access to our monthly newspaper, The Socialist, and quarterly journal, Socialist Alternative, please consider taking a monthly subscription from just €5/month!