Climate chaos, oppression, imperialism and war. Capitalism today means crisis for the vast majority — we need to fight fundamental system change for the very survival of humanity!
Get the new issue of “The Socialist” and find out why you should get active in the international movement for socialist change! €1 for an issue, €2 solidarity price, €5 super-solidarity price.
It’s Capitalism or the Earth. Choose Earth – join the Socialists!
Texas abortion ban: We won’t be dragged backwards – Build the international socialist feminist movement!
Also in this issue of The Socialist:
- North: National Insurance hike–Tories rob workers to pay private health fat cats
- The Zappone Affair & the hapless political establishment
- Sharon Graham wins Unite General Secretary election! Now build workplace power to win for workers
- Film review: Wildfire directed by Cathy Brady
- GreenTD embroiled in sexist WhatsApp group scandal must go!
- “Housing for All”plan: Repackaging a failed model
Thank you for supporting our crucial campaigning work to build a socialist alternative for workers, women, the oppressed, our future and our planet.
We rely on donations from working class people to support our work, and act only in the interests of the working class – not rich donors or profit-hungry businesses. Thank you for helping to fund the work of the Socialist Party to build a working-class movement to fight for a socialist future, run by and for working people and our needs, not for profit. If you like what you read, please consider a subscription to our publications and getting more involved!
Please read and share the DebenhamsDeclaration.org, an inspiring testimonial by the courageous formers Debenhams workers. Their dispute has vital lessons for workers fighting back against bosses offensive on our living standards.