Paul Murphy TD calls for new political movement to challenge in every constituency at general election

Mass movement against water charges & austerity can launch political arm for the 99%.

Speaking at the Right2Water protest today, Paul Murphy TD and the Anti-Austerity Alliance launched an appeal for the movement against water charges to launch a political challenge that could transform Irish politics by challenging in every constituency at the general election:

“When we defeat water charges we are not going to go home. Let us not forget what we have learned – that people have the power when mobilised. Let’s use this power to tackle the housing crisis, austerity and the bondholders.

“Let us use the methods we have learned to build a new political movement in this country for the 99%, for those not represented by the sinister fringe in the government.

“This movement is made up of many individuals and campaign groups across the country. The Anti Austerity Alliance is launching a call for people and groups to come together to build a new force to represent the majority.

“Let’s sit down and discuss democratically the building of an umbrella of anti-austerity, anti-water charge, left candidates to stand in every constituency in the country at the next general election. Such is the political change that has come about because of this movement that dozens of serious, committed campaigners could be elected. Together we can transform politics in this country, together we can revolutionise society.

“Together we can complete what James Connolly called the upward march of the mob to power for the rule of the 99% and an end to the rule of the 1%. Let’s come together, let’s discuss, and let’s build a political arm to go with this mass movement.”

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