Socialist Party condemns racist attacks in Tallaght

Racist incidents need to be met with strong community response.

Racist incidents need to be met with strong community response.

The Socialist Party in Dublin South West utterly condemns and opposes the recent rise in racism in the Tallaght area which culminated in a disgraceful attack on a Halal shop this weekend.

In recent months there have been a number of assaults linked to race. Reports on Morning Ireland (11th November) highlighted the case of a Filipino man who is currently hospitalised due to being attacked. The ransacking of the Halal shop was a disgusting development in this trend towards racism.

The shameful actions of the Gardaí and HSE in relation to the completely wrongful taking into care of children from the Roma community has created the environment for racism against that community to grow.

Racism is a tool used to divide working class communities. Community activists, organisations and trade unionists need to actively organise in their communities to oppose racists and racist behaviour.

During this period of austerity, to bailout the bankers and bondholders, working class people are having their living standards destroyed through unemployment, cutbacks and new taxes.

A united fightback of all those affected by austerity needs to be built to defeat the government and the troika. There is no place in this movement for racism and racists, who rather than fight the government and capitalism which created the crisis, would rather divide the movement based on prejudices and xenophobia.

The Anti Austerity Alliance in Dublin South West plans to hold a white-line picket at Tallaght Hospital in protest against and solidarity with the victims of the recent attacks.
Assemble at Tallaght Hospital Main Gate for 2pm


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