March against austerity 24 November!

Between 1 October and Budget Day, €2.9 billion will have been handed over to parasite bondholders. That will bring the total amount of money given to bondholders this year to €19,911,338,474. Then, on that day, Minister Noonan will stand up in the Dail and announce a further €3.5 billion worth of cuts and extra taxes.

Between 1 October and Budget Day, €2.9 billion will have been handed over to parasite bondholders. That will bring the total amount of money given to bondholders this year to €19,911,338,474. Then, on that day, Minister Noonan will stand up in the Dail and announce a further €3.5 billion worth of cuts and extra taxes.

He will receive a standing ovation from his Fine Gael and Labour colleagues as he wields an axe that will savage our public services and living standards.

The Campaign Against Household and Water Taxes (CAHWT) has named 24 November – two weeks before the Budget – as the date for a national demonstration against property taxes and austerity. We want to send a clear message of opposition and defiance to this government.

This Budget will not only continue on the austerity measures championed in the last five budgets. It will increase and speed up these attacks. Not only will the government introduce a property tax, they also have their eyes focused on child benefit. Savage reductions in education and health will intensify the crises which currently grip these services.

The CAHWT, through the mass campaign of boycott of the Household Tax which we have built, is the only force standing in the way of this war on ordinary people. We are calling for a massive mobilisation to put this government on notice that enough is enough, that we will not accept any more attacks. We want 24 November to be the beginning of a mass movement of opposition.

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