United Left Alliance launched at packed rally

Despite record breaking atrocious weather some 350 – 400 people, for many their first political meeting, packed out the ballroom of the Gresham Hotel for the launch of the United Left Alliance.

Despite record breaking atrocious weather some 350 – 400 people, for many their first political meeting, packed out the ballroom of the Gresham Hotel for the launch of the United Left Alliance.

Opening the rally Councillor Richard Boyd Barrett of People Before Profit said:

“Our political alternative to the cutback policies of this government coupled with a sustained mass movement of people power on the streets and strike action together can drive this government out of office before a time of their choosing and defeat this budget in the process.”

Councillor Seamus Healy of the Workers and Unemployed Action Group of South Tipperary commented:

“What has already been achieved by the Workers and Unemployed Action Group in South Tipperary in terms of our representation in the area and the role we have played in the local hospital campaign can be replicated in all parts of the country. The United Left Alliance must strive to build not just in every city but every town and village in the country”

Joe Higgins MEP said:

“The United Left Alliance, if it meets its full potential, represents a new beginning in political representation for working people and the unemployed who have been long abandoned by Labour. It, rather than a bedraggled demoralised Fianna Fáil will represent the real opposition in the next Dáil. It can become in the context of Labour betraying its voters in the next Dáil the mass party of working people envisaged by James Connolly when he called for such a party to be created almost 100 years ago.”

Last night’s rally will be followed up by local launches throughout the country which is expected to further swell the ranks of this new political initiative.

For more on the United Left Alliance check out www.UnitedLeftAlliance.org



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