Socialist Party Leaflet on Public Sector Pay Deal

Here we post the Socialist Party’s leaflet advocating a no vote to the public sector pay deal. This leaflet will be distributed to workplaces across the country as part of our campaign to defeat this sell out deal and build a left alternative in the Unions to campaign for democratic, fighting unions. If you can help us distribute the leaflets, please contact us using the details at the bottom of the website.

Here we post the Socialist Party’s leaflet advocating a no vote to the public sector pay deal. This leaflet will be distributed to workplaces across the country as part of our campaign to defeat this sell out deal and build a left alternative in the Unions to campaign for democratic, fighting unions. If you can help us distribute the leaflets, please contact us using the details at the bottom of the website.

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Waterford Crystal – Nationalisation was the only option

By Cillian Gillespie and Stephen Boyd

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