Hughes Christensen: No more job losses in East Belfast

The political parties in the Assembly Executive were today accused of “gross negligence for their complete lack of action to save jobs at Hughes Christensen factory” in East Belfast.

The political parties in the Assembly Executive were today accused of “gross negligence for their complete lack of action to save jobs at Hughes Christensen factory” in East Belfast. Tommy Black, Socialist Party representative claimed “East Belfast cannot afford anymore job losses. Industry has been decimated over the years and the Assembly parties have done nothing to create decent jobs for ordinary people. The politicians in Stormont care more about wealthy property developers than workers.

“Hughes Christensen is a highly profitable company. In the last three months of 2009, $47million was paid out to shareholders, yet over 200 workers in Belfast are threatened with losing their livelihoods. These jobs must not be allowed to disappear.

“Workers at Hughes Christensen can fight the job losses. When Visteon workers occupied their factory after that company announced the closure of plants in the UK, workers successfully occupied the factory and forced much improved redundancy deals. This shows that a determined fight by workers can deliver results.

“In the event of closure, workers should demand action from the Assembly Executive not just empty words. To save much needed jobs and skills, the Assembly should put jobs ahead of profits by taking the factory into public ownership to be run democratically by working people.”

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Hughes Christensen: No more job losses in East Belfast

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