Resistance – A Day of Discussion & Debate

On Saturday, 1st August, from 12-5pm in Central Hotel, Exchequer St. (off Georges’ St.), Dublin, Socialist Youth are hosting a day of debate and discussion. All are welcome to attend.

On Saturday, 1st August, from 12-5pm in Central Hotel, Exchequer St. (off Georges’ St.), Dublin, Socialist Youth are hosting a day of debate and discussion. All are welcome to attend.

In the first session we will discuss the issues facing young people – unemployment, low pay, college fees etc. Speakers will include an apprentice electrician who was active in the recent electrician’s strike, an anti-fees activist and a young unemployed person. We will be discussing how young people can fight back against the government’s agenda to drive us all into poverty wages and unemployment and how young people can fight for a decent future.

The second session is a debate between Socialist Youth and Labour Youth entitled – “Capitalism in crisis in Ireland and Internationally – What’s the solution?” . We encourage you to come along and contribute to this vital debate.

From 7pm onwards, there will be a post-event social in Brokers pub on Dame St. Admission will be 5 euro in order to raise funds for Socialist Youth.


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