Joe Higgins in fight for Euro seat!

Joe Higgins, Socialist Party candidate in the Dublin European Elections constituency is fighting to win the last seat. Whereas support for Joe Higgins is increasing support for his nearest rivals for the seat Fianna Fail’s Eoin Ryan and Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou McDonald is falling. Polls have made it clear that Proinsias de Rossa and Gay Mitchel are safe and for voters who want to punish Fianna Fail and replace Eoin Ryan the government’s candidate with a proven fighter who will defend ordinary working people and the unemployed then the choice is obvious – vote No.1 Joe Higgins. Go to for up to date reports and articles.

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IRELAND IS experiencing the worst recession of any industrialised country since the 1930s. This is the legacy of Fianna Fail’s 12 years in power.

Fianna Fail and the Greens have introduced two draconian budgets that have cost working class people thousands in extra levies, taxes, and lost allowances. 500,000 will be unemployed by Christmas.

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Taking a stand against fracking

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